Rent out your property

Find the right tenant for temporary and long-term rental

Find tenants for your home

is experienced in the temporary and long-term rental and will gladly assist you in finding a tenant that both temporarily or for long duration will stay at your rental property.

You indicate how and when you want to rent out your property and ABC Housing makes sure that everything is arranged for you!

We mediate in both private (apartments, studio's and single family homes) as dependent living (rooms) in every price range.

Rental advice

If you are interested to rent your property we will come along during a personal conversation to know each other better and to discuss your options with relation to the rental property.

Wij adviseren u over de haalbare huurprijs gebaseerd op het huurpuntenstelsel en de markt en over mogelijke veranderingen die aangebracht kunnen worden om een snelle verhuur te bevorderen. Tijdens de opname nemen wij foto’s van uw woning of schakelen wij een fotograaf in.

ABC Housing can offer you the following as a landlord:

Advice on the short or long term rental of your property

Information on financial and legal options

Advertising (Internet, sending newsletters and enabling other brokers)

Inspect your house (inspection report with pictures during completion accommodation)

Selecting and screening of tenants

Negotiating for you and making arrangements

Collect the first payment to you (the deposit and the first rent payment)

Assist you in negotiating and recording agreements

Also offers the possibility to manage (to be agreed fee)

Rent out your property the way you want

You can rent out your property in various ways via ABC Housing:

Rent out a whole house

Your entire house is rented as a whole

Rent out a room

You can rent out only one room or part of your property.

Choose your tenant

You can rent out your home to whomever you wish: Expats and companies; Individuals such as families and couples; Students. In addition to private individuals, expats and professionals are a very important group of tenants. We work together with companies to offer their employees a suitable home, furnished or unfurnished.

When your house is for sale

Even if your home is offered for sale, but the sale does not go smoothly, we can be of good service to you. We can rent your property "temporarily" with an appropriate termination clause in case the property is nevertheless sold. Your home can also be rented on the basis of the "Vacancy Law". Ask for the possibilities.


We select and screen suitable candidates for your rental home. ABC Housing only mediates for tenants who:
provide insight into their personal background;
financially capable of paying the monthly rent.

We schedule a viewing for prospective tenants. If a tenant decides to rent your home, we will negotiate and, if desired, draw up a lease.

Contact us

Please feel free to stop by our office for an appointment. You can also enter your information using our contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

We are available on weekdays from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 17.00.
In evenings and in the weekends, we are available by appointment.

ABC Housing B.V.

Emmalaan 25
1075AT Amsterdam

+31 (0) 6 1942 1371

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